When Dawn Breaks It Will Be Goodbye Again
Tuesday, August 20, 2013; comments
♫ Galileo Galilei - 夏空 ♫ ![]() If we are able to hold fast to each and every one of our dreams even after a hundred years, the promise we made to the summer sky won’t break Read more » 「video」 Quick Loose Curls + BlogLovin'
Wednesday, May 1, 2013; comments
New Season New Layout
Wednesday, March 6, 2013; comments
I did it. I finally got off my ass and changed my layout. Sorry if you came to the blog while it was in chaos mode. I used a template and had to stop halfway through my editing to go to work lol. I'm not quite done adjusting little things here and there, but the bulk of it is finished! If you see anything out of whack let me know orz;; (disqus is a piece of poop so no comments for now) Funfact: the images in the header, I have a shit ton of pictures to edit and posts to write up. I've been busy going out and doing a lot of things, and I want to shareeee. But this is me we're talking about, so who know's when you'll see that, huh? ... sorry Im such a lazy butt guys, rolling out of bed is so hard to do when its cold outside :I ❤オート *** SO I cahnged it to a default blogger template, because disqus wasn't cooperating. I may change it back to the cuter one, once I sort out the comments situation orz;; Natural Hair Check
Saturday, February 2, 2013; comments
❤ IHOP!!
Thursday, January 17, 2013; comments
ASDFGHJK;L Thai & Footwear
Saturday, January 5, 2013; comments
MeriKuri & A Happy New Year
Monday, December 31, 2012; comments
'Ello lovelies~! On christmas eve I went to a dinner party with my mother, and this is how I looked... Read more » 「video」 Finished Handmade Wig
Thursday, December 13, 2012; comments
I finished making that wig! Finally, dammit. So much blood sweat and tears went into it, and I'm glad that it's all over. I managed to film how I layered and shaped it, so if you want to see check under the cut ![]() Read more » [important] Blog thoughts + So disappoint
Sunday, December 9, 2012; comments
![]() 'Ello Lovelies ♥♥♥ I always find myself wondering what to post when the blog gets kind of empty and deserted for long periods of time (usually when school gets me stressed or when I lack inspiration) and it's actually kind of ridiculous to me. I have tons of shit to talk about! I may not leave my house often, but I do a lot of things :I I read tons of manga, and watch a fuckton of anime & dramas. I draw a lot (when my muse hits me), and I play games when I have the time. God knows I've got a lot of opinions, and tumblr has definitely brought them out many many times. SO WHY ISNT THIS BLOG FILLED WITH THIS STUFF? Because I hesitate. I always think of this blog as a "beauty blog", a place to put forth my best face and share anything associated with my outward appearance. I think "no one wants to hear about this season's anime, they come here for makeup and reviews", so I don't post. "Games don't go on a beauty blog", so I don't post. But to be honest, I really dont do much "beauty blogging" stuff. I hate spending money, so clothes and new makeup aren't really my priority (as much as i love them). My camera sucks, and as much as I'd like to do videos of hauls and makeup and just general vlogging, I get so irked with the quality of my videos that I just don't want to do them. It's pretty damn sad, really. I love reading about other people's lives here on blogspot, seeing them hang with their friends, and just having fun with their blogs. And I guess I got so preoccupied with making my blog look presentable that I shut off a good bit of what makes me, me. So Im changing things. Of course it wont stop me from doing beauty stuff (it's still a big interest for me), but it wont just be makeup/hair/etc anymore! So get ready for my otaku nerd rants guys, cuz I go hard for my anime ![]() Read more » |